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Tax Calculation Information

Calculate Your Taxes Based Upon Your Assessment and the Mill Rate

  • To estimate your current (fiscal year 2024-2025) tax bill, use your assessed property value as of the 2023 Grand List and use the current mill rate of 38.27 on Real Estate and Personal Property.  
  • To estimate your projected tax bill for next year (fiscal year 2024-2025) using the anticipated mill rate based upon the budget going to referendum on May 7, 2024, use your assessed property value as of the 2023 Grand List and use the projected mill rate of 38.27 on Real Estate and Personal Property.
  • The mill rate for motor vehicles, for both years, is 32.46.   
  • You may also click here to view, print, and pay current or prior tax bills online.

Click Here to Look Up Your Current Assessment


  • If you have exemptions, that amount is NOT reflected in your net assessment.
  • If you receive a state or town tax benefit, that amount will NOT be reflected in your Calculated Taxes.
Input the Following: (numbers ONLY, no commas or $)
Mill Rate Real Estate & Personal Property Mill Rate is $         
Real Estate Input Assessed Real Estate Value $         
Personal Property Input Assessed Personal Property Value $         
Automobile Mill Rate Automobile Mill Rate $         
Automobile 1 Input First Automobile Assessed Value $         
Automobile 2 Input Second Automobile Assessed Value $         
Automobile 3 Input Third Automobile Assessed Value $         
Input the assessed values of your personal property in the provided fields.
(Results Appear Below)
Results: (Do not enter any information below this box)
Real Estate

Personal Property

Automobile 1

Automobile 2

Automobile 3

Total Annual Tax