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Justices of the Peace

The office of Justice of the Peace originated in England and was brought to this country by the early colonists. The office existed in Connecticut in some form from the beginning of the colony.

At one time when this State had a multi-tiered Court system with substantial judicial business being conducted by municipal and city Court judges, the elected Justice of the Peace had substantial authority with respect to the administration of minor Courts in this State. Over the years, the scope of authority of this official has been narrowed so that in 1988 the role of the Justice of the Peace is limited to certain grants of authority enumerated by statute.


  • Have general oath giving powers (CGS 1-24)
  • May take acknowledgments (CGS 1-29)
  • May join persons in marriage (CSG 46b-22)
  • May take depositions (CGS 52-148c)

The number of Justices of the Peace for the Town of Monroe is set at thirty (30). Ten Justices of the Peace are nominated by each of the major parties and ten Justices are chosen per state statute from among the unaffiliated and minor party members. Justices are selected during the year of the Presidential election and serve a four-year term.


Karen L. Burnaska99 Bagburn RoadDemocrat203-261-9243
Stephen Bombero19 Walnut StreetUnaffiliated203-895-4658
Deborah Lynn Dutches15 Hearthstone Road Republican203-452-0495
Bari S. Dworken5 Meadowlark CircleUnaffiliated203-268-9410
Elizabeth-Ann Edgerton111 Fan Hill RoadRepublican203-268-3410
Sandra Gabriel-Busa40 Wayne RoadUnaffiliated203-520-4358
Deborah Heim111 Turkey RoostRepublican203-268-1072
Terrence Rooney7 Fan Hill RoadRepublican203-452-2811
Nicholas Kapoor109 Meadows End RoadDemocrat203-521-4734
Kenneth Kellogg540 Barn Hill RoadRepublican203-650-6850
Susan A. Koneff7 Georges LaneDemocrat203-261-8873
Christel Lattanzi278 Moose Hill RoadUnaffiliated203-650-3635
Dawn Laughlin40 Hubbell DriveUnaffiliated203-520-8495
Enid Lipeles69 Ridge Dale RoadRepublican203-261-2349
Christina Martinez79 Old Castle DriveDemocrat203-268-3355
Dee Dee Martin95 Maryanne DriveDemocrat203-268-1821
Theresa Oleyar133 Old Castle DriveDemocrat203-331-7265
Herminio Olivera III649 Wheeler RoadDemocrat203-449-3279
MariAn Gail Brown92 Millbrook TerraceUnaffiliated203-545-7210
Lisa Ann Regina20 Scenic Hill LaneUnaffiliated203-685-4342
Amanda Riesinger23 Indian Ledge RoadUnaffiliated203-556-6057
Jason Maur44 Stable Ridge RoadDemocrat203-268-1400
Madalina Silva75 Old Tannery RoadUnaffiliated203-913-4603
Patricia Tomchik35 Farm View RoadDemocrat203-261-6566
Vida Stone248 Porters Hill RoadRepublican203-520-7223
Margaret J. Villani30 Nelson Brook RoadRepublican203-452-1505
Dona-Lyn Wales205 Old Newtown RoadRepublican203-414-1853
James R. Weinberg59 Rowledge Pond RoadRepublican203-543-9321
Joseph F. Wright56 Birchwood RoadUnaffiliated203-261-8339
Gary E. Zenobia91 Swendsen DriveDemocrat203-459-0880