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Architectural Review Board

Duties per Town Charter (Chapter IV Section 19):

There shall be an Architectural Review Board consisting of five members appointed by the First Selectman for terms of three years each. The membership of the Board shall include an architect or design professional, if any such persons are willing to serve on such Board. The purpose of the Architectural Review Board is to raise the general aesthetic level of the building development in Town by reviewing proposals for new nonresidential buildings, alterations or additions and by promulgating regulations concerning the aesthetics for building design and site layout, to be submitted to the Planning and Zoning Commission for consideration and approval.

Any applicant submitting plans for nonresidential development to the Planning and Zoning Commission must contemporaneously therewith provide a copy of such application to the Architectural Review Board. The Architectural Review Board shall review such application and make whatever recommendations it deems appropriate, if any, concerning such application to the Planning and Zoning Commission. The Architectural Review Board must provide its recommendations to the Planning and Zoning Commission within 30 days after receiving such application or prior to the close of the public hearing concerning such application, whichever occurs first.

Board Members

  • Alayna Falco, Chair
  • Raymond Ganser
  • Cathleen Lindstrom


Click here for Architectural Review Board Recordings.