OpenGov Go Live Information
The Town of Monroe is very excited to announce the launch of our new online permitting system which will go live on Monday, February 3rd, 2025. Highlighting our partnership with OpenGov, the Town of Monroe joins numerous municipalities across the State, and the country, to offer a fully integrated permitting experience for our applicants and residents alike. This transition is part of our ongoing efforts to streamline services, improve record keeping, and increase efficiency for all applicants.
As we prepare to migrate our data from the current Monroe Online Permitting System to our new OpenGov Permitting System, it will be necessary to take this system off line. We anticipate removing the current Monroe Online Permitting System from the Town Website on Friday, January 31st in order to begin the data migration.
There is no action necessary on your part. All applications previously submitted and currently under review will be migrated to the new system, and any subsequent permits will be issued via OpenGov. For permits already issued, please continue to contact the appropriate department for inspections in a timely manner.
Thank you for your attention,
Terrence P. Rooney
First Selectman
For more information please see News & Announcements