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Town Clerk


Property Fraud Alert System is now available for

Monroe Property Owners

Office of the Town Clerk

7 Fan Hill Road

Monroe, CT 06468

Phone: 203-452-2811

The Town of Monroe has launched a Property Fraud Alert system to notify property owners of new transactions regarding their property. This is a FREE tool to help property owners ensure that their assets are protected.

With Property Fraud Alert you can sign up to receive alerts whenever a document such as a mortgage or quit claim is recorded under your name. Please remember that there may be other property owners in town that have the same name as you. 

Insert the link into a browser below to access the Property Fraud Alert Electronic Notification Service registration.

Persons with questions are urged to call the Town Clerk's Office at (203) 452-2811 or email

The Town Clerk’s Office is available between the hours of 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday and Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. 

Appointments are required for marriage licenses and research in the vault.  Visit the homepage of our town's website at Click on the link that brings you to the appointment scheduler. 

Birth Certificates can be obtained by calling the office at 203-452-2811 where you will be instructed on the process.

Please feel free to call the office at 203-452-2811. You may also email Town Clerk's Office with questions or concerns. We will provide you with immediate assistance.

Our purpose is to provide you with information about services and more. As always, you are welcome to stop in, call or email us if you need further assistance. The Town Clerk’s Office is ALWAYS ready to be of service to you! 

Additional Links

Contact Information

Monroe Town Clerk's Office
Monroe Town Hall - Room 201
7 Fan Hill Road
Monroe, CT 06468

Phone: (203) 452-2811

Fax:     (203) 452-2253


Town Clerk
Vida V. Stone, CCTC

Assistant Town Clerk
Sue DeGeorge, CCTC

Assistant Town Clerk
Peggy Scalzo